PPCS is a non-governmental & non-profit society, all our services are rendered free of charge. We are dependent on generous donations from the public and organizations to sustain our services.
It’s the generous support of our donors, volunteers and many others that help to :
- make a difference to the quality of life of our patients and their families.
- improve and expand palliative care services to more who are in need.
Donation to fund our operating cost.
1. Cash Donation at PPCS center
2. Direct remittance to Perak Palliative Care Society Public Bank Account : 3096888034
3. E-wallet
Tax exemption receipts will be issued for a donations of RM100 and above.
To request for a tax exemption receipt , either email following details to admin@ppcs.org.my
- Screenshot of your donation transaction
- Company name or Donor’s full name ( as per NRIC or Passport )
- Company registration number / NRIC number / Passport number
- Complete Postal address
OR Click here
Donor is required to provide complete information of the detail listed above based on the revised guideline from Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia ( Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia ) on 30 Jan 2020 , under Subsection 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967, in order to obtain a tax-exemption receipt from the approved organization.